How to write a good article for website
- On 29/03/2022
In our digital world the management of information is with key importance for business. That’s why the content making must be relevant to the goals, targets, situations. Here we write about some significant moments in article writing for web.
In the center in each article are always the main idea and topic. We must know why we write specific content and what is its purpose. Shall we tell a story, shall we inform or shall we sell? In the beginning we must know the end: what we want to happen with our text and for whom it is.
- Structure, grammar, clarity, style.
The purpose of the article determines the style, but it is good to be as clean, as possible, and pleasant for reading. The audience must not have unfamiliar words, the text must be easy for understanding.
It is good to have easy-to-read paragraphs, bullets, numbers, letters, emoticons or other appropriate signs.
The length of each article depends on the context, but as a rule, the reader should not be bothered with unnecessary information. His time is valuable and should not be wasted. It is written on many sites the time for reading.
When we speak about the grammar, we must say, that it is required for every communicator. But it is not exactly like that. And properly presented content is the face of any self-respecting business. This is also a guarantee that our communication with the target audience will be relevant.
- The accuracy of the information.
Nowadays, when fake news are everywhere, the accuracy and adequacy of the content are crucial. It is good to discover the needs of our audiences and to provide them with the content they need – honestly, attractively, without misleading, without delusion, with maximum added value. Providing such information is also a responsibility to the society.
- Vision as a key tool in the article.
It depends on the purpose, but in most articles for sites there is a vision – static or dynamic. Nowadays the struggle for readers’ attention is huge and readers are becoming more and more distracted, being attacked by the endless flow of information. The photo or video must be in harmony with the text. If visuals are more or less interesting, we run the risk of not reading what we have written about.
- Get visitors to our site to take action.
When we write with passion, our content touches people because they are more emotional than rational. And let’s not forget that emotions are the basis of actions. Usually we aim some action from the audience. It can be activated with appropriate words and phrases, according to the purposes of communication.
- To win the readers.
Nowadays people are more pragmatic. Often, when they read a text, they look for its benefits. Therefore, it is good to “get into the shoes” of our readers – to know their needs and pain. Our articles can be maximally enriched with additional information – links to newsletters, blogs, sites. It is important that people can be convinced that our text is authentic. And all this linking is useful for our SEO optimization.
- Titles sell.
The fact is that most people, especially on social media, tend to read and comment mainly on headlines. Therefore, they are the first and very often the only content that is read by the audience. When writing an article, it is good to always communicate the most important things at the beginning, because it is not known how far a person will read and whether he will not suddenly be distracted by other content or action.
In conclusion, the writing of an inspired article (which is a masterpiece) is not enough. Often, in order to reach the right audience, it is sometimes necessary to publish it on appropriate social media too or even to sponsor the content. Because no one needs an article standing alone on a site. It comes to this world to act – to inform, to entertain, to sell, to bring added value. It only remains to find the right readers. Because of the meaning of whole communication.